French Last Names – During a marriage in France, a woman does not change her surname to that of her husband. As a result, women retain their surnames on official documents and adopt their husbands’ surnames as “usage names.”
In addition, anyone can adopt a “use name” and use it in their day-to-day lives, as long as it is not for illegal purposes. Our favorite 500 French last names are perfect if you’re considering a French first name for your baby, are interested in last names in general, or want to adopt a French surname.
French last names, also known as surnames or family names, can have a variety of meanings and origins. Here are some common types of French surnames and their meanings:

Top French Last Names and Surnames with Meanings
It is possible to sound classy and romantic even with the most ordinary of French names. The following French last names make us wish for such an elegant moniker.
- Martin – derived from the Latin name “Martinus,” meaning “of Mars,” the Roman god of war.
- Bernard – derived from the Germanic name “Bernhard,” meaning “brave as a bear.”
- Dubois – meaning “of the woods.”
- Thomas – derived from the Aramaic name “T’oma,” meaning “twin.”
- Dupont – meaning “of the bridge.”
- Simon – derived from the Hebrew name “Shim’on,” meaning “heard.”
- Laurent – derived from the Latin name “Laurentius,” meaning “man from Laurentum,” an ancient Italian city.
- Rousseau – meaning “red–haired.”
- Lefebvre – meaning “the blacksmith.”
- Girard – derived from the Germanic name “Gerhard,” meaning “brave with a spear.”
- Moreau – meaning “of the moors.”
- Mercier – meaning “merchant.”
- Fournier – meaning “baker.”
- Martinez – derived from the Spanish name “Martin,” meaning “of Mars.”
- Petit – meaning “small.”
- Durand – derived from the Germanic name “Durand,” meaning “enduring.”
- Leroy – meaning “the king.”
- Marchand – meaning “merchant.”
- Garcia – derived from the Basque name “Gartzia,” meaning “young.”
- André – derived from the Greek name “Andreas,” meaning “manly.”
- Morel – meaning “dark–skinned.”
- Roux – meaning “red–haired.”
- Fontaine – meaning “fountain.”
- Picard – meaning “of Picardy,” a region in northern France.
- Faure – meaning “blacksmith.”
- Henry – derived from the Germanic name “Heinrich,” meaning “home-ruler.”
- Gauthier – derived from the Germanic name “Walter,” meaning “ruler of the army.”
- Noel – meaning “Christmas.”
- Masson – meaning “mason.”
- Vincent – derived from the Latin name “Vincentius,” meaning “conquering.”
- Chevalier – meaning “knight.”
- Garnier – meaning “warrior.”
- Lambert – derived from the Germanic name “Landbehrt,” meaning “bright land.”
- Olivier – derived from the Latin name “Oliverus,” meaning “olive tree.”
- Dubois – meaning “of the woods.”
- Roche – meaning “rock.”
- Legrand – meaning “the big one.”
- Caron – meaning “chariot driver.”
- Bernard – derived from the Germanic name “Bernhard,” meaning “brave as a bear.”
- Leclerc – meaning “the clerk.”
- Faure – meaning “blacksmith.”
- Renard – meaning “fox.”
- Deschamps – meaning “of the fields.”
- Guillaume – derived from the Germanic name “Wilhelm,” meaning “willful protector.”
- Blanchard – meaning “white.”
- Poirier – meaning “pear tree.”
- Rousseau – meaning “red–haired.”
- Leblanc – meaning “the white one.”
- Martinet – meaning “strict disciplinarian.”
- Perrot – derived from the Latin name “Petrus,” meaning “rock.”
Common French last names
Discover the most common French last names and their meanings with our comprehensive list. Explore the history and origins of French surnames today!
- Blanc – meaning “white”
- Fontaine – meaning “fountain”
- Masson – meaning “mason”
- Henry – from the Germanic name Heinrich, meaning “ruler of the household”
- Deschênes – meaning “of the oak trees”
- Giraud – from the Germanic name Gerwald, meaning “spear rule”
- Olivier – from the Latin name Oliverus, meaning “olive tree”
- Thibault – from the Germanic name Theobald, meaning “brave people”
- Guillaume – from the Germanic name Wilhelm, meaning “willful protector”
- Baudry – from the Germanic name Baldric, meaning “brave ruler”
- Roger – from the Germanic name Hrodgar, meaning “famous spear”
- Dubois – meaning “of the wood” or “from the forest”
- Lebrun – meaning “the brown-haired one”
- Morel – meaning “dark-skinned”
- Dumont – meaning “of the mountain”
- Laurent – from the Latin name Laurentius, meaning “man from Laurentum”
- Pelletier – meaning “the furrier”
- Chauvin – meaning “stubborn” or “determined”
- Coste – meaning “slope” or “hillside”
- Joly – meaning “merry” or “cheerful”
- Legrand – meaning “the big one”
- Delacroix – meaning “of the cross”
- Bernardi – meaning “like a bear”
- Gagnon – meaning “the winner”
- Mercier – meaning “the merchant”
- Beaulieu – meaning “beautiful place”
- Leroy – meaning “the king”
- Clement – from the Latin name Clemens, meaning “merciful” or “gentle”
- Marchal – meaning “marshal” or “steward”
- Monet – meaning “monk”
- Boucher – meaning “the butcher”
- Michel – from the Hebrew name Michael, meaning “who is like God?”
- Guérin – from the Germanic name Warin, meaning “guardian”
- Guillet – meaning “young goat”
- Chabot – meaning “toad”
- Lecomte – meaning “the count”
- Marin – meaning “of the sea”
- Noel – meaning “Christmas”
- Perrot – meaning “little Peter”
- Renaud – from the Germanic name Reginald, meaning “advice–ruler”
- Robillard – meaning “ax-wielding”
- Rochefort – meaning “strong rock”
- Sabourin – meaning “the weaver”
- Salle – meaning “hall”
- Savard – meaning “the wise one”
- Tanguay – meaning “the tankard”
- Vaillancourt – meaning “the brave courtyard”
- Vachon – meaning “cattle breeder”
- Vidal – from the Latin name Vitalis, meaning “life-giving”
- Lapointe – meaning “the point” or “the tip”
Common last names in French
Whether you are looking for a last name that is different or just want to see what the most popular last names are in France, this list has you covered!
- Fournier – meaning “the baker”
- Hébert – meaning “bright army”
- Langlois – meaning “the Englishman”
- Gauthier – from the Germanic name Waldhari, meaning “ruler of the forest”
- Dubé – meaning “from the woods”
- Armand – from the Germanic name Hermann, meaning “army man”
- Royer – meaning “the king’s servant”
- Gosselin – meaning “god’s little page”
- Véronneau – from the Latin name Verona, meaning “true”
- Caron – from the Germanic name Charon, meaning “free man”
- Lévesque – meaning “the bishop”
- Giroux – meaning “little spear”
- Trudel – meaning “spear strength”
- Gagné – meaning “the winner”
- Bélanger – meaning “the bell maker”
- Renaudin – from the Germanic name Reginald, meaning “advice–ruler”
- Beaudoin – meaning “brave friend”
- Lapierre – meaning “the stone”
- Bérubé – meaning “bear cub”
- Paquette – meaning “little package”
- Lemieux – meaning “the better”
- Desrosiers – meaning “of the rose bushes”
- Proulx – meaning “brave”
- Allard – meaning “noble and brave”
- Beaulne – meaning “beautiful ash tree”
- Gascon – meaning “person from Gascony”
- Gervais – from the Germanic name Gervasius, meaning “spear servant”
- Lefebvre – meaning “the blacksmith”
- Lemay – meaning “the Mayflower”
- Paradis – meaning “paradise”
- Grenier – meaning “the grain storehouse”
- Demers – meaning “of the seas”
- Granger – meaning “farmer”
- Lachance – meaning “the chance”
- Lacroix – meaning “the cross”
- Leduc – meaning “the leader”
- Matte – from the Latin name Matthias, meaning “gift of God”
- Pellerin – meaning “the furrier”
- Tardif – meaning “late” or “tardy”
- Beausoleil – meaning “beautiful sun”
- Bouchard – meaning “the shepherd”
- Bourgeois – meaning “the bourgeois” or “the middle class”
- Côté – meaning “the side”
- Delorme – meaning “of the elm trees”
- Denault – meaning “from Anjou”
- Fortin – meaning “the fortress”
- Giguère – meaning “the fiddler”
- Hamel – meaning “the little home”
- Huard – meaning “the loon”
- Jalbert – meaning “of noble birth”
French last names and meanings
Are you trying to find out which French last name is best for you? Check out this list of the top 50 most French last names and meanings!
- Laflamme – meaning “the flame”
- Lefort – meaning “the fort”
- Marcotte – meaning “little Mark”
- Michaud – meaning “who is like God”
- Ouellet – meaning “little owl”
- Pelletier – meaning “furrier”
- Perrault – meaning “little Peter”
- Picard – meaning “from Picardy”
- Renaud – from the Germanic name Reginald, meaning “advice–ruler”
- Rivard – meaning “the river”
- Robichaud – meaning “bold and courageous”
- Rochefort – meaning “the strong rock”
- Rolland – from the Germanic name Roland, meaning “famous land”
- Roy – meaning “king”
- St–Amand – meaning “from Saint Amand”
- St–Denis – meaning “from Saint-Denis”
- St–Pierre – meaning “from Saint Peter”
- Sauvageau – meaning “wild man”
- Thibault – from the Germanic name Theobald, meaning “brave people”
- Tremblay – meaning “quaking aspen”
- Vallée – meaning “the valley”
- Vigneault – meaning “from the vineyard”
- Vincent – from the Latin name Vincentius, meaning “conquering”
- Béchard – meaning “strong axe”
- Bergeron – meaning “shepherd”
- Boudreau – meaning “from Boudry”
- Brodeur – meaning “embroiderer”
- Brunelle – meaning “little brown one”
- Carrière – meaning “quarry worker”
- Cayer – meaning “quarry”
- Chaput – meaning “head” or “chief”
- Cloutier – meaning “maker of nails”
- Couture – meaning “tailor”
- D’Amour – meaning “of love”
- Dandurand – meaning “of Durand”
- Daoust – meaning “from Host”
- Delisle – meaning “of the island”
- Demontigny – meaning “of Montigny”
- Deschamps – meaning “of the fields”
- Desjardins – meaning “of the gardens”
- Dufour – meaning “of the oven”
- Duguay – meaning “of the water”
- Dupuis – meaning “of the well”
- Forget – meaning “to forget”
- Fortier – meaning “the little fortress”
- Gagnon – meaning “the winner”
- Gauthier – from the Germanic name Waldhari, meaning “ruler of the forest”
- Goulet – meaning “little throat”
- Grégoire – from the Latin name Gregorius, meaning “watchful”
- Héroux – meaning “the hero”
Last name in French
Wondering what last names are popular in France? This list will give you a comprehensive overview of the last name in French in the country.
- Huppé – meaning “crested”
- Jacques – from the Hebrew name Jacob, meaning “supplanter”
- Joubert – meaning “bright”
- Labonté – meaning “the good”
- Lacombe – meaning “the valley”
- Lacroix – meaning “the cross”
- Lalonde – meaning “the heath”
- Lamarche – meaning “the march”
- Lamothe – meaning “the moat”
- Lapierre – meaning “the stone”
- Laramée – meaning “the clearing”
- Laplante – meaning “the plant”
- Larocque – meaning “the rock”
- Larrivée – meaning “the arrival”
- Latour – meaning “the tower”
- Leblanc – meaning “the white”
- Leduc – meaning “the leader”
- Legault – meaning “the bolt”
- Lemay – meaning “the May”
- Lemieux – meaning “the best”
- Lepage – meaning “the page”
- Lessard – meaning “the sward”
- Létourneau – meaning “the turner”
- Levesque – meaning “the bishop”
- Longtin – meaning “long tin”
- Martineau – meaning “little Martin”
- Mercier – meaning “merchant”
- Morin – meaning “moor”
- Nadeau – meaning “from Nadon”
- Nault – meaning “from Nault”
- Normand – meaning “from Normandy”
- Paquette – meaning “little package”
- Parent – meaning “parent”
- Pellerin – meaning “furrier”
- Pépin – meaning “pippin”
- Perreault – meaning “little Peter”
- Piché – meaning “pitcher”
- Poirier – meaning “pear tree”
- Potvin – meaning “little pot”
- Poulin – meaning “little pulley”
- Provencher – meaning “from Provence”
- Racine – meaning “root”
- Rainville – meaning “from Rainville”
- Raymond – from the Germanic name Raimund, meaning “wise protector”
- Renaud – from the Germanic name Reginald, meaning “advice–ruler”
- Ricard – from the Germanic name Richard, meaning “brave ruler”
- Rioux – meaning “from Rioux”
- Robillard – meaning “bold and courageous”
- Rochon – meaning “little rock”
- Rousseau – meaning “red-haired”
Royal French last names
Here are some French last names that were associated with the French royal families:
Bourbon – the royal family that ruled France from the late 16th century until the French Revolution
Valois – a royal dynasty that ruled France from the late 14th century until the late 16th century
Capet – the royal house that ruled France from the 10th century until the late 14th century
Orleans – a branch of the royal family that ruled France in the 19th century
Bonaparte – the family of Napoleon Bonaparte, who declared himself Emperor of the French in the early 19th century
Medici – a powerful Italian family that produced several French queens and queens consort during the 16th and 17th centuries
Bourgogne – a noble family that played a prominent role in the history of France during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Valentin – a surname associated with French nobility, including members of the royal family
Guise – a powerful noble family that played a significant role in the French Wars of Religion in the late 16th century
Montpensier – a noble family that held various titles in France during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, including the title of Duke of Montpensier.
50 Royal French last names list
Are you trying to find out which Royal French last name is best for you? Here list of the top 50 Royal French last names list and meanings!
- Roy – meaning “king”
- St–Pierre – meaning “Saint Peter”
- St–Onge – meaning “Saint Ange”
- Savard – meaning “clever”
- Simard – meaning “the wise one”
- Thibault – meaning “bold people”
- Tremblay – meaning “trembling aspen”
- Turcotte – meaning “Turkish”
- Valois – meaning “from Valois”
- Veilleux – meaning “watchful”
- Verreault – meaning “from Verreau”
- Viau – meaning “from the village of Viau”
- Vincent – meaning “conquering”
- Voyer – meaning “overseer”
- Yergeau – meaning “from Yergeau”
- Yvon – meaning “yew tree”
- Allard – meaning “noble and brave”
- Archambault – meaning “bold archer”
- Aubert – meaning “bright nobility”
- Beaulieu – meaning “beautiful place”
- Belanger – meaning “bell–maker”
- Bergeron – meaning “shepherd”
- Bernier – meaning “bear-like”
- Bibeau – meaning “from Bibeau”
- Bisson – meaning “big”
- Blais – meaning “white”
- Blanchette – meaning “little white one”
- Bolduc – meaning “bold, hardy”
- Boivin – meaning “vineyard”
- Boucher – meaning “butcher”
- Boudreau – meaning “from Boudrot”
- Boulay – meaning “from Boulay”
- Bourassa – meaning “from Bourassa”
- Brassard – meaning “arm guard”
- Brodeur – meaning “embroiderer”
- Brunet – meaning “brown-haired”
- Caron – meaning “beloved”
- Champagne – meaning “from Champagne”
- Charest – meaning “from Charest”
- Charland – meaning “from Charland”
- Charpentier – meaning “carpenter”
- Chassé – meaning “hunted, chased”
- Chevalier – meaning “knight”
- Cloutier – meaning “nail maker”
- Côté – meaning “side”
- Couture – meaning “tailor”
- Cyr – meaning “lord”
- D’Amour – meaning “of love”
- Dufour – meaning “of the oven”
- Dupuis – meaning “from the well”
French Canadian last names
Here are list best common French Canadian last names:
Tremblay |
Gagnon |
Levesque |
Therrien |
Pelletier |
Bergeron |
Belanger |
Fortin |
Beaulieu |
Morin |
These surnames are all common in Quebec, which is a French-speaking province of Canada with a strong cultural identity and history. These names are a reflection of the French heritage of the province, which dates back to the colonization of Canada by the French in the 17th century.
French Canadian last names and meaning
Here are 30 common French Canadian last names along with their meanings:
1. Tremblay – derived from the French word “tremble”, meaning “to tremble”. The name likely refers to a person or family who lived near a trembling or quaking bog or swamp.
2. Gagnon – derived from the Old French word “Gagnon”, meaning “to gain”. The name likely refers to a person or family who was prosperous in some way.
3. Levesque – derived from the Old French word “Evoque”, meaning “bishop”. The name likely refers to a person who worked in the church or was associated with a bishopric.
4. Therrien – derived from the Old French word “terrain”, meaning “earthly” or “of the earth”. The name likely refers to a person who was a farmer or worked the land in some way.
5. Pelletier – derived from the Old French word “Pelletier”, meaning “furrier”. The name likely refers to a person who worked with fur in some way, such as a fur trader or furrier.
6. Bergeron – derived from the Old French word “burger”, meaning “shepherd”. The name likely refers to a person who worked as a shepherd or had some association with sheep.
7. Belanger – derived from the Old French word “bel”, meaning “handsome” or “beautiful”, and “ange”, meaning “angel”. The name likely refers to a person who was considered beautiful.
8. Fortin – derived from the Old French word “fort”, meaning “strong” or “powerful”“. The name likely refers to a person who was physically strong or had some other kind of power or influence.
9. Beaulieu – derived from the Old French words “beau”, meaning “beautiful”, and “lieu”, meaning “place”. The name likely refers to a person who lived in a beautiful or pleasant place.
10. Morin – derived from the Old French word “moulin”, meaning “mill”. The name likely refers to a person who worked at a mill or owned a mill.
11. Desjardins – derived from the Old French word “jardin”, meaning “garden”. The name likely refers to a person who lived near or worked in a garden.
12. Martel – derived from the Old French word “martel”, meaning “hammer”. The name likely refers to a person who worked with hammers or had some other kind of association with metalworking.
13. Lefebvre – derived from the Old French words “le”, meaning “the”, and “Febvre”, meaning “smith”. The name likely refers to a person who was a blacksmith or had some other association with metalworking.
14. Lavoie – derived from the Old French word “Voice”, meaning “way” or “road”. The name likely refers to a person who lived near a road or had some other kind of association with travel or transportation.
15. Bertrand – derived from the Old French words “bert”, meaning “bright”, and “rand”, meaning “shield”. The name likely refers to a person who was brave or had some other association with war or fighting.
16. Dubois – derived from the Old French words “du”, meaning “of”, and “bois”, meaning “wood”. The name likely refers to a person who lived in or worked with wood, such as a carpenter or woodcutter.
17. Beaudoin – derived from the Old French words “beau”, meaning “beautiful”, and “Doin”, meaning “gift”. The name likely refers to a person who was considered beautiful and had some other kind of talent or gift.
18. Boucher – derived from the Old French word “Bouchier”, meaning “butcher”. The name likely refers to a person who worked as a butcher.
19. Boudreau – derived from the Old French word “bourdon”, meaning “bumblebee”. The name likely refers to a person who has a buzzing or energetic personality.
20. Cyr – derived from the Old French word “sire”, meaning “lord” or “master”. The name likely refers to a person who held a high rank or position.
21. Dufour – derived from the Old French words “du”, meaning “of”, and “four”, meaning “oven”. The name likely refers to a person who worked with ovens, such as a baker or pastry chef.
22. Girard – derived from the Old French word “Girard”, meaning “spear–hard”. The name likely refers to a person who was strong or had some association with weapons or fighting.
23. Hébert – derived from the Old French word “herbert”, meaning “bright army”. The name likely refers to a person who was brave or had some association with war or fighting.
24. Lambert – derived from the Old French word “lambert”, meaning “bright land”. The name likely refers to a person who lived on or owned land that was considered beautiful.
25. Landry – derived from the Old French words “lande”, meaning “moor” or “health”, and “ric”, meaning “ruler”. The name likely refers to a person who was a ruler or leader of people who lived on a moor or heath.
26. Michaud – derived from the Old French words “messe”, meaning “mass”, and “chaud”, meaning “hot”. The name likely refers to a person who served as a cook or chef at a church or other religious establishment.
27. Poirier – derived from the Old French word “Poirier”, meaning “pear tree”. The name likely refers to a person who lived near or worked with pear trees.
28. Roy – derived from the Old French word “ROI”, meaning “king”. The name likely refers to a person who held a position of authority or power.
29. Savard – derived from the Old French word “savant”, meaning “savage” or “wild”. The name likely refers to a person who lived in a wild or remote area or had some other kind of association with the wilderness.
30. Tremblay – derived from the Old French word “tremblé”, meaning “to tremble”. The name likely refers to a person who was nervous or easily frightened, or to a place that was subject to tremors or earthquakes. Tremblay is a very common French Canadian last name, with over 100,000 people in Canada bearing the name.
Popular French last names
Welcome to our list of popular and classic French last names, along with their meanings and phonetic spellings. That’s it!
- Lavigne
Pronunciation – La-veen-ye
Meaning – Vine.
- Monet
Pronunciation – Mon-ay
Meaning – A form of the name Simon, meaning to be heard.
- Blanchet
Pronunciation – Blan-shay
Meaning – Blanket or fair-haired person.
- Garnier
Pronunciation – Gar-nee-yay
Meaning – Keeper of granary.
- Moulin
Pronunciation – Moo-lan
Meaning – Mill/Miller.
- Toussaint
Pronunciation – Too-san
Meaning – All saints.
- Laurent
Pronunciation – Lor-onn
Meaning – Laurel, which is the name of a leaf powerful leaders wore in their crowns during ancient times.
- Dupont
Pronunciation – Dew-pon
Meaning – Of the bridge.
- Martin
Pronunciation – Mar-tan
Meaning – Derives from Mars, the Roman god of warfare.
- Boucher
Pronunciation – Boo-shay
Meaning – Butcher.
- Allard
Pronunciation – Al-arr
Meaning – Noble or hardy.
- Chevrolet
Pronunciation – Shev-ro-lay
Meaning – Goatherder.
- Moreau
Pronunciation – More-row
Meaning – Dark-skinned.
- Corbin
Pronunciation – Cor-ban
Meaning – Little crow or raven.
- Dubois
Pronunciation – Dew-bwah
Meaning – Of the forest.
- Leroy
Pronunciation – Leer-wah
Meaning – The king.
- Cartier
Pronunciation – Cart-ee-yay
Meaning – A carter or transporter of goods.
- Duplantier
Pronunciation – Dew-plon-tee-yay
Meaning – Of the plantation or someone who lives near a plantation of trees.
- Fournier
Pronunciation – Four-nee-yay
Meaning – Baker.
- Beaufort
Pronunciation – Bow-four
Meaning – Beautiful or fair fortress.
- Bonnet
Pronunciation – Bon-nay
Meaning – A person who makes or wears hats.
- Rousseau
Pronunciation – Roo-so
Meaning – A red-haired person.
- Lyon
Pronunciation – Lee-yon
Meaning – A person from the city of Lyon, France.
- Granger
Pronunciation – Gran-jay
Meaning – Farm bailiff.
- Fontaine
Pronunciation – Fon-ten
Meaning – Fountain.
- Chastain
Pronunciation – Shas-tan
Meaning – From the chestnut tree.
- Beaumont
Pronunciation – Bow-mon
Meaning – Fair mountain.
- Dufort
Pronunciation – Dew-forr
Meaning – Of the fortress.
- LaRue
Pronunciation – La-roo
Meaning – Of the street or of the road.
- Renaud
Pronunciation – Ren-oh
Meaning – Rule.
- Vernier
Pronunciation – Ver-nee-yay
Meaning – Near the alder tree.
- Allemand
Pronunciation – Aa-le-mond
Meaning – German.
- Couture
Pronunciation – Kou-tur
Meaning – Tailor.
- Abadie
Pronunciation – Ah-bah-dee
Meaning – Abbey or family chapel.
- Auclair
Pronunciation – Oh-clare
Meaning – Clear.
- Bassett
Pronunciation – Bass-set
Meaning – Of lowly origin.
- Archambeau
Pronunciation – Are-shem-bow
Meaning – Bold or daring.
- Adrien
Pronunciation – Aa-dree-ehn
Meaning – Rich or dark.
- Aguillard
Pronunciation – Ag-gee-yah
Meaning – Needle.
- Aries
Pronunciation – Air-Reese
Meaning – Constellation.
- Abreo
Pronunciation – Aub-rio
Meaning – A wise counselor.
- Alarie
Pronunciation – All-lar-ree
Meaning – All-powerful.
- Barbier
Pronunciation – Bahr-bee-er
Meaning – Barber.
- Baudelaire
Pronunciation – Bohd-l-air
Meaning – Small sword or dagger.
- Cadieux
Pronunciation – Cad-jou
Meaning – Little fighter.
- Abbe
Pronunciation – A-bey
Meaning – Head of the monastery.
- Acord/Achard/Achart
Pronunciation – A-kord
Meaning – Edge of a sword.
- Acy
Pronunciation – As-see
Meaning – Estate of Acius.
- Agard
Pronunciation – Ag-gyar
Meaning – Edge of a sword, hardy, or bold.
- Blondin
Pronunciation – Blon-da
Meaning – Blonde.
- Blouin
Pronunciation – Blue-ah
Meaning – Blue or an unusually pale complexion.
- Bloyer
Pronunciation – Bruh-yay
Meaning – Name for someone who separates the fibers of hemp or flax.
- Bobier
Pronunciation – Boob-yay
Meaning – A stutterer or stammering.
- Boche
Pronunciation – Bosh
Meaning – Cabbage head or square head.
- Bodin
Pronunciation – Boo-dah-ng
Meaning – Shelter or one who brings new information.
- Bohen
Pronunciation – Boo-an
Meaning – Victorious.
- Boileau
Pronunciation – Boy-loh
Meaning – To drink or water.
- Boire
Pronunciation – Bwar
Meaning – To drink.
- Bois
Pronunciation – Bwah
Meaning – Bush, shrub, or undergrowth.
- Boisclair
Pronunciation – Bewh-glare
Meaning – Clear wood or light.
- Boisseau
Pronunciation – Bweh-so
Meaning – Bushel or measure of grain.
- Archambeau
Pronunciation – Ar-shom-boo
Meaning – Bold, daring.
- Anouilh
Pronunciation – Ah-noo-ee
Meaning – Slow worm.
- Barbeau
Pronunciation – Bar-bo
Meaning – A type of fish; fisherman.
- Chalamet
Pronunciation – Shall-ah-may
Meaning – Reed; blowtorch.
- Cellier
Pronunciation – Sell-yer
Meaning – Storeroom.
- Castillon
Pronunciation – Kaast-ih-yohn
Meaning – Castle.
- Chapdelaine
Pronunciation – Chaep-dih-lane
Meaning – Hooded cloak, cape, hat.
- D’aureville
Pronunciation – Dor-vill-e
Meaning – Golden village.
- Lambert
Pronunciation – LAM-bərt
Meaning – Land.
- Tremblay
Pronunciation – Trem-blay
Meaning – Someone who lives near a group of Aspen trees.
Best unique last names in French
If you’re looking for a unique last name in French, our list is perfect for you!
Arceneaux – meaning “little bear” |
Arnaud – meaning “eagle power” |
Auberjonois – meaning “oasis of water” |
Beauchamp – meaning “beautiful field” |
Biscay – meaning “from Biscay” |
Blanchefleur – meaning “white flower” |
Bonaventure – meaning “good fortune” |
Boniface – meaning “good faith” |
Boucher – meaning “butcher” |
Bouvier – meaning “cowherd” |
Cadiou – meaning “son of Cadoc” |
Charron – meaning “cartwright” |
Choquette – meaning “little pig” |
D’Aubigne – meaning “from Aubigne” |
D’Aurevilly – meaning “from Aurevilly” |
D’Estrees – meaning “from Estrees” |
D’Hauterive – meaning “from Hauterive” |
D’Olivier – meaning “from Olivier” |
De La Rochefoucauld – meaning “from Rochefoucauld” |
De La Vigne – meaning “from the vine” |
De Lattre – meaning “of the lathe” |
Devereaux – meaning “oak forest” |
Du Plessis – meaning “of Plessis” |
Durand – meaning “enduring” |
Esnault – meaning “son of Esnoul” |
Fleurant – meaning “flowering” |
Fontenot – meaning “fountain” |
Gagnon – meaning “to win” |
Gaudet – meaning “joyful” |
Gautier – meaning “ruler of the army” |
Grimaud – meaning “grim–faced” |
Hamel – meaning “from the village” |
Jolicoeur – meaning “good heart” |
Laberge – meaning “from the mountain” |
Lacombe – meaning “the valley” |
Lafontaine – meaning “the fountain” |
Lamontagne – meaning “the mountain” |
Langlois – meaning “the Englishman” |
Laperriere – meaning “the stonemason” |
Larcher – meaning “the archer” |
Laroche – meaning “the rock” |
Latour – meaning “the tower” |
Leclerc – meaning “the clerk” |
Leduc – meaning “the duke” |
Lemay – meaning “the May” |
Lepage – meaning “the page” |
Lessard – meaning “the sardine” |
Loisel – meaning “the willow” |
Moreau – meaning “dark–skinned” |
Tardif – meaning “late” |
Unique French last names
Check out our list of unique French last names for a unique way to identify yourself!
- Roy – meaning “king”
- Royer – meaning “king’s counselor”
- St–Pierre – meaning “of Saint Peter”
- Simard – meaning “victorious guardian”
- Sirois – meaning “from Sirois”
- Thibault – meaning “brave people”
- Thériault – meaning “from Thériault”
- Tremblay – meaning “trembling aspen tree”
- Turcotte – meaning “from Turkey”
- Vachon – meaning “cowherd”
- Vézina – meaning “from Vezin”
- Vincent – meaning “conquering”
- Villeneuve – meaning “new town”
- Babin – meaning “baby”
- Barbeau – meaning “bearded”
- Beauchemin – meaning “beautiful path”
- Beauchesne – meaning “beautiful oak”
- Beauregard – meaning “beautiful watchman”
- Bélanger – meaning “bellmaker”
- Béliveau – meaning “beautiful life”
- Benoit – meaning “blessed”
- Bergeron – meaning “shepherd”
- Bernard – meaning “brave as a bear”
- Bérubé – meaning “from Bérubé”
- Bessette – meaning “little beast”
- Bisson – meaning “twice”
- Blanchette – meaning “little white one”
- Boisclair – meaning “clear wood”
- Boisvert – meaning “green wood”
- Bouchard – meaning “bushy beard”
- Boudreau – meaning “bold raven”
- Bouffard – meaning “buffalo keeper”
- Bourassa – meaning “woodland”
- Boutin – meaning “little boot”
- Breton – meaning “Breton”
- Brochu – meaning “heather”
- Brunelle – meaning “brown”
- Caron – meaning “cart driver”
- Carrier – meaning “transporter”
- Castonguay – meaning “from Castonguay”
- Chabot – meaning “male goat”
- Champagne – meaning “champagne”
- Charest – meaning “dear one”
- Chartrand – meaning “stone thrower”
- Chénier – meaning “from Chénier”
- Chevalier – meaning “knight”
- Cloutier – meaning “nail maker”
- Cormier – meaning “corn grower”
- Corriveau – meaning “curlew”
- Côté – meaning “hillside”