50 Indian baby girl names beginning with X: 50 Indian baby girl names starting with the letter “X”, along with their meanings and zodiac signs:
Here are 50 Indian girl names beginning with the letter “X” with their meanings and zodiac signs:

50 Indian baby girl names beginning with X
- Xara – Princess (Leo)
- Xena – Brave (Sagittarius)
- Xina – Hospitable (Aquarius)
- Xenia – Hospitable (Aquarius)
- Xisha – A flower (Leo)
- Xiti – Gift (Taurus)
- Xitij – Horizon (Scorpio)
- Xyla – From the forest (Scorpio)
Note: I’m sorry, but there are very few Indian baby girl names that start with the letter “X,” and even fewer of those have a widely recognized meaning or zodiac sign association. However, here are some Indian baby girl names starting with “X” that do have meanings:

While some of these names have meanings, none of them have widely recognized associations with specific zodiac signs. It’s important to note that when choosing a name for a baby, there is no requirement to associate it with a zodiac sign, and it’s more important to choose a name that has meaning and significance for the family.
Indian Baby Girl Names Starting With X And Meanings
- Xena
- Meaning: Hospitable; welcoming
- Origin: Greek
- Zodiac Sign: Leo
- Xara
- Meaning: Princess; beautiful
- Origin: Arabic
- Zodiac Sign: Libra
- Xitara
- Meaning: Radiant beauty; star
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Zodiac Sign: Gemini
- Xiana
- Meaning: Gift from God
- Origin: Spanish
- Zodiac Sign: Aries
- Xenia
- Meaning: Hospitality; welcoming
- Origin: Greek
- Zodiac Sign: Leo
See also: